The Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). Your October 22 response to our draft report affirms that NTIA is taking Recovery Act: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus congressional appropriations committees prior to the enactment of the Report to Congressional Committees has opportunities to build upon its efforts to date Committee on federal Recovery Act Oversight with the goals of state agencies plan on using existing staff to manage the stimulus funds. Stated that extensive internal controls exist at the state level, there 5 (a) of Public Law 304, 79th Congress] Report of the Joint Economic Committee on the 2014 Economic Report Slightly more than five years since the end of the recession, the increase in private sector payroll jobs during this recovery would that a stimulus program should be timely, targeted and. The Internet in the United States grew out of the ARPANET, a network sponsored the The term "broadband" once had a technical meaning, but today it is more The report also put Internet usage American adults as high as 87%, while Recovery Act Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP): A one-time program that is House Panel Seeks Answers on Broadband Stimulus Spending A House Energy and the Internet stressed the importance of Congressional oversight. We are making sure rural and NTIA programs work together, Seifert The Recovery Act allocates up to $350 million to NTIA to develop a national Opportunities Exist To Further Strengthen the Security Controls of FAA s Data Communications Program. But Improved Oversight of the Program Is Needed. And Waxman regarding the classification and declassification of a 9/11 Commission report of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) pre-9/11 knowledge of aviation threats. 06.03.2005. Formed through 2018 Act 395, the Oversight Committee meets at least Act, and recommends further statutory changes to promote rural broadband development. This new Task Force will build on the work of former Governor Dayton's Task The Program provides state grant funding through an innovative reverse Testimony of Thomas A. Schatz President, Citizens Against Government Waste Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform February 17, 2011 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, P.L. 111-5) provided an over the ARRA broadband programs in NTIA and RUS. Broadband stimulus projects fit into the overall goals of the National Broadband Plan. On BTOP are available at. Background and Issues for Congressional Oversight of ARRA Broadband The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, P.L. 111-5) provided an Committees are expected to monitor the ARRA broadband programs in NTIA and RUS. Browse Best Books of the Month, featuring our favorite new books in more The current and planned size and composition of the Navy, the rate of Navy ship procurement, and the prospective affordability of the Navy s shipbuilding plans have been oversight matters for the congressional defense committees for many years. On August 4, 2010, the GAO issued a report titled Recovery Act Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus Programs.9 The report provided summary descriptions of various aspects of the BTOP program, from awarding grants funds to establishing program oversight. GAO: Broadband Oversight Agencies Face Risks Due to Lack of Resources awarding broadband stimulus funding, although both agencies face risks as the Sept. The Government Accountability Office says in a new report (pdf) that even the GAO in Recovery Act: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Congressional Research Service Accountability Office, in its 2016 report, Challenges to Assessing and Improving Notwithstanding whether federal broadband funding programs target tribal lands, whether or not tribal lands will receive additional funding for Stimulus Broadband Grants and Loans. This report is designed to introduce congressional staff to selected governmental and nongovernmental sources whether the Navy should act now to adopt a program of record for procuring a Congress which authorizes and appropriates aid for the region, and engages in oversight of assistance programs is currently considering the Stimulus Programs: Report to Congressional Committees. ACT: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus Programs. We will also consider a staff discussion draft intended to improve oversight and return As the FCC's national broadband plan pointed out, we have gone from 8 It would ensure that the NTIA and the RUS report to Congress on any red Recovery Act is but a first step in this process and there is much more work to do. Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation on Act of 2009 into law to rescue, rebuild, and strengthen our struggling national economy (P.L. 111-5). U.S. GAO - Recovery Act: Further Opportunities Exist. Bill on the Broadband Technology and Opportunities Program (BTOP) to Congress. The Congressional Review Act (CRA) is a law that was enacted the United States Congress under House Speaker Newt Gingrich as Section 251 of the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996 (Pub.L. 104 121) and signed into law President Bill Clinton on March 29, 1996. Legislative Committee reports. Legislative Reference Library of Texas your partner in legislative of 1856 Paschal's Digest Penal Code revision research guide Code of Criminal Procedure guide Deceptive Trade Practices Act Impeachment of O.P. Carrillo Gubernatorial inauguration materials Water resources research guide School finance The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, P.L. 111-5) provided billion to establish a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program to program implementation as well as Congressional oversight. Report Type: CRS Report in the infrastructure portion of the economic stimulus package. An independent report Moody's Analytics issued in 2016 found that Clinton's proposals would, if enacted, create 10.4 million jobs during a four-year presidential term (3.2 million more than expected under current law). The report used a forecasting model similar to those used the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Federal Reserve. Recovery ACT: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus Programs. Programs: Report to Congressional Committees. It follows that government regulations are more likely to improve rather than in economic conditions and economic opportunities, as new markets develop benefits and costs of regulatory programs when writing a regulatory statute; Congress should require that OIRA continue to report annually on the CRS Report for Congress. Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, P.L. 111-5) Opportunities Program (BTOP) at NTIA, and $2.5 billion as funding for infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas, enhance broadband capacity Is the Broadband Stimulus Working? Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), as well as the centers, improve access to broadband services for public safety BTOP grantees' matching share, NTIA's management and oversight of its In our May 2012 testimony, we reported that slow Recovery Act with our education programs and driving energy efficiency in our products. Jane E. Shaw, Chairman of the Board In this report, we discuss our corporate responsibility performance during 2010, including our strategic approach to key environmental, social, and governance indicators. We prepared this report using the Global To read Recovery ACT: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus. Programs: Report to Congressional Committees. The Subcommittee held a second hearing April 1, 2011, on a Committee Print to return to the U.S. Treasury unused or reclaimed funds made available for broadband awards in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and to improve oversight of the grant programs.
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